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Monday, March 27, 2006

Can you Say Expensive Weekend....

And Spring Break is just begining.. Gotta love home ownership. When something goes wrong, you foot the bill. Well, Saturday morning we had sewage backup in the basement. So, Hubby trying to save us a bit of moula goes and rents an auger (need I say huge credit card deposit). I think him and his nephew worked on that from 10 am till around 7 pm and they gave up and decided to call in the plumber. Being Saturday night and all and after 8pm, it is kinda pricey. I do believe 310$ to be exact. I didn't feel the pain of writing the check till the next morning. I kinda had a few rums to deal with it. And, I was bummed not going to Penny's house having to wait for the plumber. Oh and they guys broke the tank for the toilet downstairs too. Spring Break just started here... I think I will be staying home most of it. Well, not really spending any money!
Happy Spring Break!

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Location: Calgary, Canada

I am a crazy mother of 3 girls all under the age of 6. I drive a school bus, I aslo love photography, I am married now for almost 2 years to a wonderful man named Monte.


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